Intracellular PARP Assays
Cell-Based Assays

Poly (ADP-ribose) Polymerase (PARP) Assay Services

Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) is a family of proteins that transfer ADP-ribose units from NAD+ onto target nuclear proteins forming long branched Poly ADP-ribose chains. PARPs play a role in epigenetic regulation, for example, by poly ADP-ribosylation of histone substrates.

  • Enzyme activity assay
  • Low and large scale screening, as well as high-throughput screening options, are available
  • Custom assay development possible
  • PARP1 and PARP2 are produced in house and available for purchase

NanoBRET Target Engagement Assays for PARPs in Live Cells

NanoBRET Target Engagement (TE) is a biophysical method of assessing the binding between a compound and a target protein in live cells. Based on bioluminescent resonance energy transfer (BRET), NanoBRET TE can be applied to multiple classes of target proteins, including members of the poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) family, which play critical roles in cellular processes such as transcription, cell division and DNA repair.

List of NanoBRET TE Targets

NanoBRET TE Assay Details

  • Assay Format
  • Screening Details
Assay Format

In the NanoBRET TE Assays for PARPs, the target PARP protein is expressed as a NanoLuc Luciferase fusion. A cell-permeable, fluorescent NanoBRET PARP tracer is added. The tracer reversibly binds to the PARP target-NanoLuc fusion protein. When in proximity to one another, the tracer and NanoLuc Luciferase produce a BRET signal. When a test compound binds to the PARP target proteins, it competes with the tracer, and the BRET signal is lost.

Screening Details

Setups: IC50 value determination in 10-dose duplicate assay format. Free choice for screening of the PARP targets of your choice.

Controls: We use DMSO as a negative control. In every project, testing of a standard reference compound (Olaparib) is included in IC50 assay format free of charge.

Turnaround time: 2-3 weeks. Expedited scheduling and data delivery can be arranged prior to study commencement.

Report: A detailed report including assay conditions and comprehensive evaluation of data as well as raw data for each analysis will be provided.

Screening location: Malvern, PA, USA

Compound requirements: In brief, 50 to 100 µl of a 10 to 50 mM DMSO stock or 2-3 mg solid material is needed. Please refer to our FAQs for information regarding compound preparation and shipping.