Box 1
Target-specific Assays
Integrated Kinase Discovery Services
Kinase Assays Services
Kinase Panel Screening
Cellular Kinase Assays
BaF3 Cell Proliferation Assay
Cellular Phosphorylation Assay
NanoBRET TE Intracellular Kinase Assay
EGFR Drug Discovery
Kinase SubstrateFinder
Customized Kinase Drug Discovery
In Vivo Kinase Activity Models
Recombinant Kinase-related Products
Epigenetic Assays
Cell-based Epigenetic Assays
Reader Domain Assays
Methyltransferase Assays
Demethylase Assays
Histone Acetyltransferase Assays (HAT)
Histone Deacetylase (HDAC) & Sirtuin Assays
Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Assays (IDH)
Customized Epigenetic Drug Discovery
RAS-related Assays
Immune Checkpoint Assays
Targeted Protein Degradation Assays
PARP Assays
Phosphatase Assays
Protease Assays
Kinesin ATPase Assays
Apoptosis Pathway Assays
Metabolic Pathway Assays
Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Assays (IDH)
Carboxylase Assays
NAD(P)H Dehydrogenase (NQO)
Nucleotide Metabolism Pathway Assays
Phosphodiesterase Assays (PDE)
Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway Assays
Ion Channel Assays
GPCR Assays
Nuclear Receptor Assays
COVID-19-related Assays
SARS-CoV-2 S Protein and ACE2 Binding Assay
SARS-CoV-2-related Protease Assays
Additional Targets
Heat Shock Protein Assays
Replication-related Assays
Protein Production and Assay Development
Custom Antibody Services
Custom Peptide Services
box 2
Cell-based Assays
Target-specific Cell-based Assays
Kinase Assays
Intracellular PARP Assays
Epigenetic Assays
GPCR Assays
Ion Channel Assays
2D Cell-based Assays
ProLiFiler™ Cancer Cell Panel Screening
Cell Proliferation and Viability Assays
Cell Death Assays
Migration Assay
3D Cell-based Assays
3D ProLiFiler™ Spheroid Cancer Cell Panel Screening
3D Tumor Spheroid Assay
Soft Agar Assay
Angiogenesis Assay
Cell Line Generation
Assay Platforms
Biophysical Assays
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)
Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC)
Microscale Thermophoresis (MST)
Thermal Shift Assay (TSA)
Safety & Toxicology
In Vitro Safety Screening
Cardiac Safety Assessment
Cytochrome P450 Assays
Maximum-Tolerated Dose
Box 3
In Vivo Pharmacology
Xenograft Models
Subcutaneous Tumor Models
SubQperior Tumor Models
Orthotopic Tumor Models
Metastasis Models
In Vivo Hollow Fiber Model
In Vivo Kinase Activity Models
Immuno-Oncology Tumor Models
CAR-T Cell Therapy Platform
Humanized Xenograft Models
Humanized Syngeneic Models
Syngeneic Mouse Models
SubQperior Panel Screen
Mouse-derived Isograft Models (MDI)
In Vivo PK/PD
Immuno-Oncology Platform
Immuno-Oncology Tumor Models
CAR-T Cell Therapy Platform
Humanized Xenograft Models
Humanized Syngeneic Models
Syngeneic Mouse Models
SubQperior™ Panel Screen
Mouse-derived Isograft Tumor Models (MDI)
Immuno-Oncology Assays
T Cell Killing Assays
T Cell Assays
NK Cell Killing Assays
Immune Checkpoint Assays
Macrophage Cell-based Assays
Biomarker Discovery
Genetic Biomarkers
Biomarker Analysis Tool
Protein Biomarkers
Flow Cytometry Applications
Multiplex Assays
ELISA / Western Blot / Alpha Technology
Phenotypic Biomarkers
Cell Death Mechanism
MOA Finder
Immunohistochemistry and TMA
Immunophenotyping by Flow Cytometry
Multiplex Immune Assays
Bioassay and Potency Testing
Box 1
Kinase-related Products
Active Protein Kinases
Active Lipid Kinases
Additional Kinase Variants
Recombinant Kinase Substrates
Custom Protein Production
Protein Production and Assay Development
Assay Kits
BromoMELT Assay Kit
Box 2
Epigenetic-related Products
All Epigenetic-related Products
Methyltransferase Proteins
Methyltransferase Substrates
Reader Domain Proteins
Deacetylase Proteins
Demethylase Proteins
DNA Repair Proteins
IDH Proteins
PARP Proteins
Assay Kits
Epigenetic Inhibitors
Box 3
Other Products
Ras-Related Proteins
NQO Proteins
Apoptosis Proteins
NUDIX & Nucleotide Pool Sanitation Proteins
Miscellaneous Proteins
Deiminase Proteins
SARS-CoV-2-related Proteins
box 1
Biomarker Analysis Tool
Kinase Mapper
MoA Finder
Tumor Microarray Gallery
box 2
Reading room
Resource Library
About us
Meet the Team
What people are saying
News and Press Releases
Target-specific Assays
Kinase Assays
Kinase Assay Services
Kinase Panel Screening
Cellular Kinase Assays
BaF3 Cell Proliferation Assay
Cellular Phosphorylation Assay
NanoBRET Intracellular Kinase Assay
EGFR Drug Discovery
Kinase SubstrateFinder
Kinase Finder
Customized Kinase Drug Discovery
In Vivo Kinase Activity Models
Recombinant Kinase-related Products
Epigenetic Assays
Cell-based Epigenetic Assays
Reader Domain Assays
Methyltransferase Assays
Demethylase Assays
Histone Acetyltransferase Assays (HAT)
Histone Deacetylase (HDAC) & Sirtuin Assays
Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Assays (IDH)
Customized Epigenetic Drug Discovery
RAS-related Assays
Immune Checkpoint Assays
Targeted Protein Degradation Assays
PARP Assays
Phosphatase Assays
Protease Assays
Kinesin ATPase Assays
Apoptosis Pathway Assays
Metabolic Pathway Assays
Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Assays (IDH)
Carboxylase Assays
NAD(P)H Dehydrogenase (NQO)
Nucleotide Metabolism Pathway Assays
Phosphodiesterase Assays (PDE)
Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway Assays
Ion Channel Assays
GPCR Assays
Nuclear Receptor Assays
COVID-19-related Assays
SARS-CoV-2 S Protein and ACE2 Binding Assay
SARS-CoV-2-related Protease Assays
Additional Targets
Heat Shock Protein Assays
Replication-related Assays
Protein Production and Assay Development
Custom Antibody Services
Custom Peptide Services
Cell-based Assays
Target-specific Cell-based Assays
Kinase Assays
Intracellular PARP Assays
Epigenetic Assays
GPCR Assays
Ion Channel Assays
2D Cell-based Assays
ProLiFiler™ Cancer Cell Panel Screening
Cell Proliferation and Viability Assays
Cell Death Assays
Migration Assay
3D Cell-based Assays
3D Tumor Spheroid Assay
Soft Agar Assay
Angiogenesis Assay
Cell Line Generation
Assay Platforms
Biophysical Assays
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)
Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC)
Microscale Thermophoresis (MST)
Thermal Shift Assay (TSA)
Safety & Toxicology
In Vitro Safety Screening
Cardiac Safety Assessment
Cytochrome P450 Assays
Maximum-Tolerated Dose
In Vivo Pharmacology
Xenograft Models
In Vivo Hollow Fiber Model
In Vivo Kinase Activity Models
Immuno-Oncology Tumor Models
Humanized Xenograft Models
Humanized Syngeneic Models
Syngeneic Mouse Models
SubQperior™ Panel Screen
Mouse-derived Isograft Tumor Models (MDI)
In Vivo PK/PD
Immuno-Oncology Platform
Immuno-Oncology Tumor Models
Humanized Xenograft Models
Humanized Syngeneic Models
Syngeneic Mouse Models
SubQperior™ Panel Screen
Mouse-derived Isograft Models (MDI)
Immuno-Oncology Assays
T Cell Killing Assays
T Cell Assays
NK Cell Killing Assays
Immune Checkpoint Assays
Macrophage Cell-based Assays
Biomarker Discovery
Genetic Biomarkers
Biomarker Analysis Tool
Protein Biomarkers
Flow Cytometry Applications
Multiplex Assays
ELISA / Western Blot / Alpha Technology
Phenotypic Biomarkers
Cell Death Mechanism
MOA Finder
Immunohistochemistry and TMA
Immunophenotyping by Flow Cytometry
Multiplex Immune Assays
Bioassay and Potency Testing
Kinase-related Products
Active Protein Kinases
Active Lipid Kinases
Additional Kinase Variants
Recombinant Kinase Substrates
Custom Protein Production
Protein Production and Assay Development
Assay Kits
BromoMELT Assay Kit
Epigenetic-related Products
All Epigenetic-related Products
Methyltransferase Proteins
Methyltransferase Substrates
Reader Domain Proteins
Deacetylase Proteins
Demethylase Proteins
DNA Repair Proteins
IDH Proteins
PARP Proteins
Assay Kits
Epigenetic Inhibitors
Other Products
Ras-Related Proteins
NQO Proteins
Apoptosis Proteins
NUDIX & Nucleotide Pool Sanitation Proteins
Miscellaneous Proteins
Deiminase Proteins
SARS-CoV-2-related Proteins
Biomarker Analysis Tool
Kinase Mapper
MoA Finder
Reading room
Resource Library
About us
Meet the Team
What people are saying
News and Press Releases
Cheryl Davis, MLAS
Reaction Biology
Jul 4, 2023