Reaction Biology‘s Drug Discovery Blog

Predicting Adverse Drug Reactions Early: A Closer Look at the InVEST44™ Profiling Panel

Posted on by Reaction Biology

What are the 44 key molecular targets that can predict drug safety risks early on? Discover how these targets were carefully selected and how Reaction Biology’s InVEST44™ panel is reshaping safety testing for your drug development program.

Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) remain one of the most significant challenges in drug development. Remarkably, around 75% of these ADRs are dose-dependent and can be predicted based on the pharmacological profiles of drug candidates.

The only in vitro pharmacology assay required by regulatory authorities is the assessment of the effects on voltage-gated potassium channel (KCNH2 or hERG). Blockade of hERG channels is closely linked to the development of life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias, like torsades de pointes. While the hERG assay is mandatory, current regulations do not offer specific guidance on which additional targets should be included in an in vitro pharmacology panel or when these profiles should be generated during drug discovery. This gap in guidance leaves many pharmaceutical companies to define their safety profiling strategies.

<span>Reaction Biology’s</span><br /><i>In Vitro</i> Safety Pharmacology Profiling Services

Reaction Biology’s
In Vitro Safety Pharmacology Profiling Services

The Minimal Panel of Targets for Early Safety Profiling

In 2012, four leading pharmaceutical companies—AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, and Pfizer—defined a minimal panel of 44 targets for in vitro pharmacological profiling. This panel consists of:

  • 24 G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)
  • 7 ion channels
  • 6 intracellular enzymes
  • 3 neurotransmitter transporters
  • 2 nuclear hormone receptors
  • 1 kinase

These targets span core biological systems like the central nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems, as well as secondary organs such as the gastrointestinal and renal systems. Profiling against these 44 targets provides a comprehensive early assessment of a drug candidate’s safety.

Reaction Biology’s InVEST44™ Panel: Leading the Way in Safety Profiling

At Reaction Biology, we offer the InVEST44™ panel, designed based on the recommendations of pharmaceutical giants and tailored for high-throughput screening (HTS).

Here’s why working with us makes sense for your drug discovery efforts:

  • Timely Results: We run our InVEST44™ panels on a monthly recurring screening cycle, ensuring your data is ready when you need it.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Our single concentration testing in duplicates ensures an affordable setup without compromising the quality of the data.
  • Expert Support: A dedicated team of safety pharmacologists oversees your project, offering invaluable insights into potential ADRs.
  • Quality Data: Each assay includes IC50 values for reference controls, providing you with high-quality, reliable results for your safety assessment.
<span>NEW LAUNCH!</span><br />Discover the latest targets from our InVEST44™ panel

Discover the latest targets from our InVEST44™ panel


In vitro pharmacological profiling has become an indispensable part of early drug development. By using tools like the InVEST44™ panel, pharmaceutical companies can gain critical insights into off-target interactions, predict ADRs early, and make informed decisions that reduce development time, costs, and risks. By investing in early-stage safety testing, the likelihood of successfully bringing a safe and effective drug to market is greatly increased.

Let Reaction Biology help you ensure your drug candidate is as safe as possible, right from the start.